Angel Destruction VFX

Software: Unreal 4.27, Houdini

Project Overview: Inspired by my fascination with destruction VFX and the enchanting moments found in fantasy games where ancient ruins restore themselves, I embarked on a solo project to create a unique visual experience. Rather than simply showcasing destruction, I challenged myself to make the object reconstruct itself after being destroyed. Originally planning to achieve this within Unreal Engine using its destruction physics plugin, I encountered limitations that led me to explore alternative methods.

Utilizing Houdini’s capabilities, I employed voronoi noise to simulate the destruction of a statue. I then imported the animated destruction sequence back into Unreal Engine, leveraging blueprints to orchestrate the statue’s restoration. By reversing the destruction process through animation, I aimed to evoke the magical ambiance often found in games where ruins unveil their secrets.

Technical Proficiency: In this project, I honed my skills in Unreal Engine 4.27 and Houdini, mastering techniques for dynamic destruction effects and animation integration. By transitioning between these tools, I optimized my workflow and achieved the desired visual impact. Additionally, I developed custom blueprints within Unreal Engine to facilitate the seamless transition from destruction to reconstruction, enhancing the immersive quality of the experience.